Notes & Queries Green Statement

For Notes & Queries, producing environmentally friendly products has always been a top priority. We have continued to maintain our ongoing commitment to distribute the best in contemporary design in paper in a way that keeps our environment beautiful too!

  • Paper Stock from sustainable managed forests (FSC approved)
  • Low Chlorine Board
  • Vegetable Based Inks
  • Recycled Paper Envelopes
  • Biodegradable cello bags (cornstarch)

What is the "The Forest Stewardship Council" (FSC)?

  • The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) is an international organization that brings people together to find solutions which promote responsible stewardship of the world's forests.
  • FSC is a stakeholder owned system for promoting responsible management of the world's forests.
  • Through consultative processes, it sets international standards for responsible forest management.
  • It accredits independent third party organizations who can certify forest managers and forest product producers to FSC standards.
  • Its trademark provides international recognition to organizations who support the growth of responsible forest management.
  • Its product label allows consumers worldwide to recognize products that support the growth of responsible forest management worldwide.
  • FSC undertakes marketing programs and information services that contribute to the mission of promoting responsible forestry worldwide.
  • Since 1993, over 90 million hectares in more than 70 countries have been certified according to FSC standards while several thousand products are produced using FSC-certified wood and carrying the FSC trademark. FSC operates through its network of National Initiatives in 45 countries.

For more information about The Forest Stewardship Council, please visit